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Published on2022-10-07Views:183
What If Attitudes Become Letters? Writing - Correspondence - Context - Gender  -  Meme
What If Attitudes Become Letters? Writing - Correspondence - Context - Gender  -  Meme
What If Attitudes Become Letters? Writing - Correspondence - Context - Gender - Meme

What If Attitudes Become Letters? Writing - Correspondence - Context - Gender - Meme

2022/10/08 - 2022/12/26
Hengshan Calligraphy Art Center, Building A and B

Curatorial Team:Coexist Exhibition

Artists:Wang Chika, Jiang Bo-xuan, Ho Ching-chwang, Hung Yun-ting, Po Chiao-ling, Xu Jiong, Ni Hao, Chang Jia-chae, Yeh Yi-lin, Tsai Tsung-yu,  Liu Hsing-yu


This exhibition comes from the Chinese word chidu, which we know today as letters. Chidu is a medium that conveys messages through words. Originating from writing on bamboo and wooden slips to paper, chidu is no longer merely a physical substance but a symbol that reveals feelings and manifests conscious thoughts. Until now, discussions of chidu either treat it as a literary genre and style, or as objects for the history of literature and calligraphy from the author’s perspective as a writer or calligrapher. Aside from these discussions, this exhibition hopes to propose the possibility of a new aspect. Treating chidu as an event in calligraphy art, the curatorial team hopes to provide a vision between calligraphic tradition and contemporary art through this collection of works. Thus, the exhibition shifts the focus from "What is chidu?" to "What can chidu be?" and further "What can calligraphy be," providing fluctuating and innovative criticism of contemporary art.

This exhibition is selected from the call for curatorial proposals of the Hengshan Calligraphy Art Center. The curatorial team consists of the younger generation of artists and calligraphers. The exhibition includes works by artists Chika Wang, Chiang Po-hsuan, Ho Ching-chwang, Hung Yun-ting, Po Chiao-ling, Xu Jiong, Ni Hao, Chang Chia-che, Yeh Yi-lin, Tsai Tsung-yu, and Liu Hsing-yu. Not all of them are of background in calligraphy. Some just began a conversation with calligraphy, some re-interpreted their works with a calligraphic perspective in this exhibition, and others purposefully avoided using ink and brush to explore the possibilities in calligraphy.

The calligraphic multiverse is expanding. This exhibition aims to be a “calligraphic event,” showcasing artists’ daring and brave spirit in the name of chidu.

What If Attitudes Become Letters? Writing - Correspondence - Context - Gender  -  Meme
What If Attitudes Become Letters? Writing - Correspondence - Context - Gender - Meme
Last updated on2024-07-18